I’m an artist based in west Wales.
Please contact me with any inquiries!
About my work.
I HEARD a reinterpretation of the Moses parting the waters story a few years ago, that has had a profound effect on me. In short, when he came to the sea, he paused before this sublime, great mass of unknown. Then stepped forward… and the waters parted that much. He stepped forward again, and the waters parted that much.
Here’s my interpretation; nothing in life is certain, change is a constant, and the future is unknown. I can either be afraid of what might happen, or I can be curious, and embrace the mystery and adventure of wondering what I might discover if I take that step forward, and the next one...
I’ve tried to embrace this philosophy, in life, and in my artwork. My art practice is process driven, and it relies on intuition and chance. Starting out with simple lines or shapes or objects, I step forward by making quick 5x5cm drawings, in a stream of conscious manner. A favorite quote of mine is from Picasso, who said “to know what you are going to draw, you have to begin drawing!” So I draw, one drawing leads to another, and another, and the repetition of this practice invariably leads to interesting revelations... every wave changes the layout of the stones on the beach.
My background in art, web design, and graphic design, as well as my love for architectural form and structure, inspires and informs my aesthetic sensibilities.
I’m fascinated with the mysterious and often shimmering quality of the space between things; humans, and objects, and nature, and the reciprocal relationship that exists between us and our environments. And I find solace and clarity in the expansiveness of wide open spaces, where there is no edge, and all options are on the table.